518 Franklin Avenue Baltimore, MD 21221 410.687.4621
St. John's Lutheran Church of Essex
We are very involved in our community and trying to make a difference to people in their every day lives.
Christmas Toy Giveaway
We are collecting toys and children's books for our Christmas Toy Giveaway that we have on the second Saturday of December from 9 to 12p at St. John's Lutheran Church.
Friends for Supper Meal
We offer a free meal with an appetizer, dinner and dessert to families and people who come to eat once a month (not in Dec). We ask nothing in return. Dates change month to month. Please contact the church office 410.687.4621 for when the next meal will be served.
Music at St. John's
We have an Adult Choir, Youth Choir, Hand Bell Choir and Worship Band. These are all lead by our Music Director and we are always looking to have people with no experience to knowing everything, to come and join in the music ministry!
We welcome our new Music Director Christopher Ruth.
Thursday Zoom Bible Study
7 p.m. every Thursday join in our Zoom Bible study with Vicar David.
Passcode if requested 21221. When you enter you will be in a waiting room until Vicar lets you into the session.
Women's Fun Lunch
Every third Friday of the month at noon, women of the congregation gather at a local restaurant for fellowship and sharing of their faith with one another.